A kitten did not want an adopted puppy until he agreed with a kiss


Animal Notes |

February 17, 2019
– 19.02

The moving scene has been shared on Facebook and has already reached thousands of tastes watch the video

"They are like dogs and cats," says one of the popular expressions when two people certainly do not like each other. However, this cute video that has been viralized by Facebook shows that all this is a lie.

The kitten was the only pet until a new dog arrived home. The feline did not tolerate the adoption and attacked it several times during the first days. However, everything changed with a tender kiss.

As can be seen in the pictures of Facebook, the dog wants to approach the little cat with the intention of playing for a while, but the feline prevents it by pulling its claws to scratch it.


The tender video of the dog who traveled with his owner for an incredible reason

The dog felt aggression, but after several attempts to approach and let himself be scratched, he sat for a moment trying to ignore his partner. But the protagonist of the video, She decided to accept the new family member with a sweet kiss.

Watch the video:


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