A legendary thermos adapted to the first companion has become the aspiration of the moment – 15/02/2019


William Stanley jr. I would not understand what is happening, but in Argentina, they have devoted an invention on their part. He is the man who changed the way of keeping drinks at the temperature. He was working in a foundry, he wanted to drink hot coffee, and in 1913 he had the idea of ​​closing a vacuum steel bottle. Eureka! He created the best thermos in history, so good that they are sold with a lifetime warranty. The New Balance came back three years ago, two years ago the Norwegian mochilitas Fjallraven arrived; this summer, as proof, corresponds to that of Stanley thermos. Green, robust, as military, they are a kind of new object of desire. Whoever has it, shows it with pride on the beaches of Cariló, Punta del Este and the interior. Then fatten a companion. Because, it must be said, in this part of the world, Stanley seems to ennoble the stubborn and full-time matero.

Stanley thermos has become fashionable

Stanley thermos has become fashionable

"Over the past 100 years, since its inception, the vacuum bottle has evolved from concept to icon and has become an essential part of work days, road trips and outdoor adventures. Stanley has been part of countless shared adventures and memories (…) For us, it is about increasing your time on the outside with a team you can count on at night. in the morning. "says the official proclamation of the company.

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Far from there, somewhere in Barcelona, ​​Messi uploads a picture on Instagram. He drinks from a friend, with the thermos in question. On the beaches of Jose Ignacio, where everyone wears white, the Stanley are small tags between the deck chairs. The images are repeated: a player from a micro low, a Stanley.

Its sudden popularity is part of a larger phenomenon: that of the sophistication of partner consumption. Herbs are no longer dry herbs, but suggest a world of varieties as diverse as wine or meat. The premium ranges have appeared, more or less glued, and the range of flavors is also diversified. The containers have also started to be modified. A few days ago, for the writing of Clarin, a companion appeared with companion with USB. There are comrades who stay warm and others who change color. There are friends who keep the yerba and the porongo better seems to have been contramano of the time, reduced to relic saddlery. Around all this, despite its price, the Stanley do not go unnoticed.

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Facundo Mendizabal, owner of Parallel, the company that represents the brand in the country, began eight years ago to consider importing Stanley. "And it's been 4 years since we were in Argentina, I first had the representation, during the Kirchner government, and then I started with all the arduous phase of product approvals and permits etc. In 2018, it was an explosion, "he says. It refers to a crucial fact: last year, in Argentina, sales of thermos Stanley surpbaded sales by 400% in 2017. In a period of severe contraction and severe inflationary crisis, many Argentinian consumers were willing to pay 3,480 pesos for a Stanley.

Because? "Several events have occurred," says Mendizabal, "in the first place, in the maté ritual, five elements are involved: the yerba, the maté, the electric bulb, the thermos and the water, but only yerba and thermos are industrialized products ". The thermos is seen, it is displayed, you drink mate with some thermos and you show a product-person identity, you can spend that money, you do not have the same idea about a thermos, that you drink a hot mate with water At the right temperature, it is fundamental, and in addition, you can not break the ritual of the partner because the water has failed. "

I also surprised myself a few weeks ago when I saw the Thermos Stanley in Falabella at 3690 pesos. But when you learn that Miami is worth 20 dollars, you see it as vulgar as any Chinese bottle.#Good Tuesday pic.twitter.com/3DMf4S9kUB

– Adrian Dorins (@Adronis) February 5, 2019

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Two weeks ago, a shocked Twitter user He posted on his account a photo of a Miami gondola outlet with several Stanley thermos and a $ 20 unit offer. Mendizabal specifies that this is not the final price, which should in any case be between 40 and 50 dollars taxes and who buys a thermos of this type abroad and buys a different product.

The story is that this type of thermos was originally designed to keep hot drinks. Throughout its history, the Stanleys have accompanied adventurers of all kinds by keeping inside the tea or the coffee with which they relieved their odyssey against the cold or other thing: there were thermoses of this type in the most remote places on the planet, from Everest to Alaska, from Siberia to the South Pole. But for them to arrive in Argentina and Uruguay, it needed a reform, an adaptation of their ceiling. "They had to serve as a companion," explains Mendizabal, "that's why the ceiling we sell in Argentina is not the same as in the United States." At the month, instead, it is used here every day, several times a day. "

Finally, the theme of color is military green (although new varieties are about to appear). "It was a pure initial strategy: we sought direct identification," concludes the expert. What followed was the boom inside and of course in Buenos Aires. A resounding acceptance in places like La Rural and many fairs, with the feast of Surubí, where the big brands do not go. And this old axiom of the business world was again realized, suggesting that "occupying an unoccupied place is a sure success."


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