A leopard killed a two-year-old boy in a nature park in South Africa


A leopard killed a two and a half year old boy last night in an area reserved for employees of Kruger National Park, the largest in South Africa, announced today the management service of these protected areas .

The minor, whose identity was not revealed, was the son of one of the workers on this reserve, reported the EFE news agency.

"The incident occurred at 8 pm local time and the child was declared dead by Shongwe hospital doctors," said the South African Nature Parks Department in a statement.

"It's never easy to lose a loved one, especially in such tragic circumstances.It is the risk with which we live every day while helping to conserve our species in the interest of all, "said Fundisile Mketeni, executive director of the agency.

After the event, the rangers hunted the animal to avoid other victims.

"In parks like the Kruger, predators interact with tourists and employees.Sometimes species such as the leopard get used to and lose their fear, and the change in natural behavior can lead to such unfortunate incidents. very few events, but when they occur are always tragic, "added the Natural Parks Service.

According to recent surveys, Kruger is said to be home to about 19,000 animals, including about 1,000 leopards.

It is the largest park in South Africa and is home to the largest population of rhinos and elephants, which is visited by more than 1.5 million people each year.


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