A lover of the ancient King Juan Carlos accused him of using him as a figurehead – 11/07/2018


A German businesswoman sentimentally linked to King Emeritus Juan Carlos of Spain said that the ancient monarch used it as a man facade to conceal property and property abroad. Switzerland in the name of his cousin.

The newspaper El Español broadcasted a 2015 audio clip that listened Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein – a consultant based in Monaco- living a "nightmare" because Juan Carlos had put on his back several properties in Morocco and elsewhere outside Spain in his name and claimed after the sentimental breakup. If she returned them by placing them on behalf of third parties, she incurred a money laundering offense.

"They place the property inside the structure.Of course, they can not say that the recipient is the other (in reference to the king emeritus). Then, without telling me, they put me and then they say, "This one does not want to" But if i do it, it is money laundering. This is money laundering "he said in a conversation with businessman Juan Villalonga and Commissioner José Manuel Villarejo He is exerting barbaric pressure on me to return these things to me, but if I do, the law is legal and I can go to jail, "he adds, and he points out that the king emeritus used him as a figurehead "not because he loved me, but because I am a resident of Monaco."

In the same conversation he also claims that Juan Carlos had accounts in Switzerland in the name of his cousin. "They put things in the name of their cousin, which is Álvaro Orleans de Borbón, bank accounts in Switzerland (…) put them in their name", she said.

Corinna, who was advisor to Alberto de Mónaco, maintained a long relationship with the monarch who became public after the accident that Juan Carlos suffered Born in Botswana in April 2012, when he was on a safari with her.

  King Juan Carlos, during a hunting expedition to Botswana. (Rannsafaris.com)

King Juan Carlos, during a hunting expedition to Botswana. (Rannsafaris.com)

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