A man broke his penis while having sex


At England, a man is “Broken” the penis while she was having sex and made a full recovery. As explained by the doctors, this was due to the fact that the victim doubled the limb against the perineum of your partner.

The urologists behind this case, published Tuesday in BMJ Case Reports, stated that in this case the injury was strange because symptoms were not obvious of a classic fracture: no bang was heard and the member he didn’t curl up either afterwards.

A penile fracture is a serious medical emergency that can lead to disability, so it is recommended that doctors treat it within 24 hours. (Photo: Pixabay)

“His penis was too moderately swollen and did not immediately lose the erection, but washed out gradually, ”they confirmed.

Professionals explained that, as in most cases, the 40-year-old man injured himself during sex, especially when his penis bent against his partner’s perineum.

A penile fracture is a serious medical emergency that can lead to disability, so it is recommended that doctors treat it. Within 24 hours.

Even after surgery, complications can appear: erectile dysfunction permanent, scarred urethra and shrinkage, and a more pronounced curvature.

Fortunately, in this case, the surgery seemed to be a total success and it didn’t take long for the man to recover without lingering problems. Doctors plan to be vigilant, according to the report.

“In terms of long-term results, we will control the recovery of this patient, ”they reported.

“However, reassuringly, the patient was able to resume sexual activity within six months of the injury, and achieved erections of the same quality as before this episode and without significant palpable scars», They concluded.


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