A man caught a baby who fell from the fifth floor and saved his life


A 28-year-old man became the hero of the day, saving a baby from certain death when he caught him in the air after his fall from a fifth floor.

The accident, which was not a tragedy thanks to the rapid action of Tonik Turghanbek, has occurred in the Chinese city of Yining.

Turghanbek was inside his parked car when he realized the situation. He left without thinking about the vehicle and began calculating where the child would fall two years and seven months later. who managed to stop in his vertiginous free fall.

The small sound, attended the hospital. (Source: Captura AP)
The small sound, attended the hospital. (Source: Captura AP)

according to CCTV Plus, the baby was unhurt (a real miracle), while his savior had just suffered abrasions to the skin to the head and arms and was treated in the hospital.

One witness said that several people understood the danger the boy was in, but that they had not been able to call the authorities. Fortunately, Tonik was there to react quickly.

"By the time I saw him, he was already falling. I did not think of anything at that time. I do not know what happened next, I fainted for a moment. When I woke up, the police and the rescuers were there, "said the hero in statements to these media.


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