A man climbed without harnesses the tallest building in Europe – ElSol.com.ar – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


Monday morning, London police was warned that a man was climbing a skyscraper 1,017 feet (about 310 meters). Images and videos were captured by witnesses who saw the climber arrive without any safety equipment at the top of the tallest building in Western Europe.

One of the videos was posted on Twitter by a user, David Kevin Williams, who shows the climber climbing the 95-story building called "The Shard".

Someone rides The Shard !!! ? pic.twitter.com/4yWG0CZ6Rt

– David Kevin Williams (@DaveKWilliams) July 8, 2019

Daily Mail reported that the police had managed to put the man safe after his feat and he was not arrested. However, the fact that we had doubts about how the climber managed to avoid the safety of one of the most popular British buildings.

We know that he is not the only mountaineer interested in this iconic building. In 2017, the "youtuber" known as CbadOnline went from the observation platform to the top of the skyscraper.

"A man was seen climbing on the Shard in London" https://t.co/USLaTFPJLd

– Chris Goozer (@ goozer13) July 8, 2019


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