A man found a weapon from the Civil War …


A resident of the Spanish city of Palencia found a historical relic in a cupboard at home: a gun american civil war. It is a Lefaucheux revolver, hidden for decades until accidentally discovered.

The gun appeared under a drawer as the man cleaned the closet. This person notified the police, who took charge of the weapon and confirmed its historical value. The Lefaucheux revolver is the first in history to feature individual metal cartridges. The model dates from 1860 and before the Lefaucheux there were no revolvers in which the cartridges were inserted one by one into a rotating cylinder. Its large-scale premiere took place in 1861, with the onset of the Civil War that divided the United States until the triumph of the Union in 1865.

According to the police investigation, the weapon belonged to a soldier. Years passed, her relatives died and she was hidden in the closet, which in turn passed through several houses and different owners until he ended up in the town in northern Spain where the discovery took place.

It is “a piece worthy of a museum because of its age and rarity,” authorities said. In fact, between 1860 and 1880 it was an endowment weapon for the Spanish army, which explains its appearance in Palencia. For this year, more modern models appeared and it was in disuse. It was a revolutionary weapon for the time, capable of firing continuously, with rapid reloading of the cartridges and without the need to introduce powder into the barrel.


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