A man has been trying to get his driver’s license for 17 years: he has been suspended 192 times | the Chronicle


Hope is the last thing to lose, they say, and according to this popular phrase, a 50-year-old citizen who lives Piotrkow Trybunalski, a Polish city of only 80,000 inhabitants. Does he wear almost two decades trying to get a driver’s license, and failed the exam 192 consecutive times, which is a record in the country.

In Poland, it is common to pass the exam on the second or third attempt on average. Statistics show that the knowledge test has a pass rate of around 50 percent, while in practice only 4 in 10 pass the first time. However, this man broke all records and also spent hundreds of euros on tests which he passed without success.

For its part, Stanisław Kobusiewicz, driving school teacher, explained to TVP that “There should be a regulation in Poland that prohibits a candidate from taking the exam more than twenty or thirty times. If someone ignores the rules and doesn’t know them, they shouldn’t drive in the street. After all. , it can present a danger. to others “.

However, the protagonist, for the moment, does not despair and thinks about continuing to take the exam because hope is the last thing that goes to waste.


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