A man injected himself with mushrooms and almost died because he …


A 30-year-old American injected himself with a mushroom tea to try to cure your depression and almost died of growth of these organisms in your body. The man has a history of intravenous drug use and suffered from a fungal infection which resulted in organ failure.

A study from the University of Medicine, Creighton University (Nebraska) published in the academic journal Journal of the Consultation-Liaison Academy of Psychiatry report on what happened.

In addition to having addictions, the patient had bipolar disorder. According to the doctors, the man would have read texts on the hallucinogenic potential of the mushrooms and would have made an infusion which was injected into his veins. In fact, there are studies that suggest a cure for depression with fungus, although it is medical treatment and not self-diagnosis.

The mushrooms in question contain psychoactive substances such as psilocybin, beocystin and psilocin, able to improve the symptoms of certain psychological conditions. There are studies that speak of a reduction of around 50% in symptoms of depression in 67% of the cases analyzed. Follow-up allows 71% of patients to see progress within four weeks, and about half achieve remission.

However, in the case of the man who almost died, he boiled psilocybin mushrooms in water and filtered the resulting substance through a cotton swab before injecting it. The effect was not what was desired. Within days, she suffered from lethargy in bodily functions, jaundice (that is, yellowish pigmentation of the skin), nausea, diarrhea and vomiting blood. The family admitted him and spent 22 days in a clinic, eight of them in intensive care.

Tests showed that her body had developed a fungal and bacterial infection in her blood, which led to the growth of fungi inside her body. These fungi began to feed on her organs, which caused organ failure. His life was in grave danger. Doctors saved his life with treatment combining antifungals and antibiotics.

The report published in Newspaper reports on two similar cases that were reported in 1985. One was almost identical to this one. A man of the same age suffered from the same symptoms as the 2020 patient following the mushroom injection.


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