A man murdered his 5 year old son at school and then committed suicide – 01/05/2019


A 42-year-old policeman was the protagonist of a horror story lived at Cosoloacaque, located in Veracruz, Mexico: He murdered his 5 year old son at school and then committed suicide.

Before committing this terrible crime, Lázaro Alfonso telephoned his wife Mildred Martínez and threatened to kill the common child: "Where do you think I am? If you want to see your son, I came to get him".

After the call, the subject went to the kindergarten "Rosalía Castro", in the district of Tercero, to find his son, whose name was protected. According to local media reports, when the baby was already inside the school, the father took him by the arm and took him to a separate place teachers.

The door of the school

The door of the school "Rosalía Castro" (Photo: Veracruz TV).

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There, he cut his veins with a razor, but when he saw that he had not died, he beat him to death and killed him. Then, by means of a rope hanging from the ceiling, Alfonso has committed suicide.

The regional delegate, Paola Cabrera Antonio, announced that the attorney general of the entity had already carried out all the corresponding investigations. The clbades have been suspended so as not to hinder the work, so they will resume on May 2nd.

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"This was lifted very late between five and six o'clock in the afternoon, clbades were over, they were alone at school," said Cabrera, explaining why both bodies were found 17 hours later.

As for the mother, she stated that her husband had mental problems and that he was taking care of the child several times while she was working as a cleaning lady in hotels. In addition, they confirmed that the alarms had been made separately.



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