A man ruined more than 500 doses of vaccine …


An employee of a health center in Milwaukee, United States, ruined more than 500 doses of Modern Pharma’s coronavirus vaccine. Vaccines had to be scrapped because they have lost the cold chain. The manager was fired from the health center.

“Earlier this week we learned that 57 boxes – each containing 10 doses – of Moderna vaccine were removed from a refrigerator at Aurora Medical Center-Grafton overnight, which resulted in more than 500 doses of vaccine that were thrown awayExplained a spokesperson for the medical center.

The officials of the medical center concluded that an employee allegedly took the doses from the refrigerator on his own. “We immediately launched an internal investigation and were led to believe this was due to unintentional human error. The person in question admitted to intentionally removing the vaccine from the refrigeratorAdded the spokesperson.

Police in Grafton, the town where the medical center is located, have issued a statement saying the event is under investigation by the FBI and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA according to its acronym in English).

For their part, representatives of the medical center confirmed that the man had been dismissed. “We continue to believe that vaccination is our way out of the pandemic. We are more than disappointed that the actions of this person have delayed the immunizations of more than 500 people.”They added.


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