A man says that he found the body of a baby in his mother's freezer


A 37-year-old man said he found the remains of a baby in a box in his mother's freezer. The incident occurred in the United States. "I thought it contained a wedding cake ornament"he badured the local press.

Adam Smith, from the state of Missouri, alerted police on July 28 about her discovery. The man explained to the authorities that he had learned all his life about the existence of a white cardboard box in his father's freezer and that he thought it contained some memory, but that had found the body when she opened it. of a baby, according to the CNN.

He also stated that he had trouble understanding how his mother had managed to keep her for so many years. "I remember being curious when I was a kid. I remember trying to take a stool and tear the plastic. Other than that, I have never touched itIn this sense, he explained that the white cardboard box was wrapped in garbage bags.

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Smith lived with his mother in four different houses. After diagnosing with lung cancer diagnosed in January 2019, he moved with her to help look after her and reported that at 5 months she was dead. Already with the house all to himself, one day he was about to take a bottle out of the freezer and rushed into the box that this time he decided to open. "I always thought that it contained a wedding cake ornament. That's exactly what I badumed"He said.

Determined to know his contents, he took a kitchen knife, cut the plastic and opened it. Inside, there was a pink wool blanket and inside, the macabre discovery: the remains of a baby. "It seemed clean. I had no blood, it looked like a newborn. After that I could see some skin and everything was intact, "he said.

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L & # 39; hypothesis Given the discovery and the fact that his mother was not alive to investigate, Smith began to remember the events that occurred many years ago according to the theory that the baby in question could be a sister to you. One of those events is that while he was only 8 years old, his mother once made him a strange comment: "My first daughter, Jennifer, would be 21 today." ; hui ". In other words, if your hypothesis is true, this baby died about 50 years ago.

Research Now the police St. Louis Investigate the case as "suspicious death" and wait for the result of the autopsy.



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