A man sentenced to 260 years in prison for raping six children


March 27, 2019

Thomas Goodman, 45, was convicted of eight counts of child badual exploitation. Among his victims was a baby who was only three weeks old.

Thomas Goodman, 45, sentenced to 260 years in prison for raping six children

A 45-year-old man was sentenced this week in the United States to 260 years in prison for badually abusing six minors.

According to the media Providence NewspaperThe judge said Thomas Goodman guilty of eight counts of badual exploitation and a badual exploitation leader sadistic and masochistic child badgraphy.

Among his victims, he is a baby who was only three weeks old. All abuses took place in Rhode Island and were revealed in May 2018.

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The Providence he also pointed out that while Judge John J. McConnell read the sentence to Goodman, the defendant He went into shock and fainted after hearing the verdict of justice in the United States.

When he woke up in a few minutes, he had finished reading the years that he had to go to jail: 30 years in prison for each badual badault leader and 20 others for possession of child badgraphy .

They killed the father of a young man accused of raping a 12-year-old boy and set the house on fire.

"The level of depravity exceeds the understanding. The only way to do that is to never get out of prison again. I have no guarantee that you will stop"Judge John McConnell argued for sentencing.

The defendant's attorney I had asked for a sentence of only 22 years, arguing that he had a clean criminal record. It all began when Goodman's chief had called the police to inform him that the man had child badgraphy on the phone.

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