A man shot three people after a dispute over Ford and Chevrolet


In Virginia, United States, a man shot three people after discussing which brand was better, yes Ford or Chevrolet. It came after a family dinner.

This was reported by local police at FOX13. Mark Edwin Turner, 56, was arrested after resist for two hours. When the police arrived, the three people with gunshot wounds were outside the house. Everyone is out of danger.

    Mark Edwin Turner discussed Ford and Chevrolet and shot three people. Photo: FOX13
Mark Edwin Turner discussed Ford and Chevrolet and shot three people. Photo: FOX13

As mentioned, Turner dined with his girlfriend and son, who was in turn with his partner. The discussion arose from the debate over which brand was the best car manufacturer, whether Ford or Chevrolet. But in an instant, everything became uncontrollable.

Turner and his girlfriend's son started screaming and found each other face to face. When they tried to separate them, Turner stabbed his partner in the lower part of the back. Later, according to the police, took a gun and shot him in the legs. In addition to hurting her, her son was hit on the arm and his girlfriend had two bullets that bounced.

Turner will now face charges of felonial delinquency and use of a firearm when a serious crime is committed.

Image of the moment the police arrived at the scene of the shooting. Photo: Twitter Valencia E. Jones.
Image of the moment the police arrived at the scene of the shooting. Photo: Twitter Valencia E. Jones.


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