A man stabbed eight children in a Chinese school


Eight babies are dead and two others were wounded in a knife attack in a city in central China. The perpetrator, aged 40, was arrested, local authorities said.

The incident occurred at the time of entry to the school of the first day of school, in Chaoyangpo Village, Hubei Province, according to the official journal Global Times

According to local media, the suspect had left prison in 2018 after serving an eight-year sentence for attempted murder.

The knife attacks they are frequent in the Asian giant, where the carrying of arms is regulated.

In April 2018, for example, a 28-year-old man killed nine children from a school with a knife in Shaanxi Province (north).

In September of the same year, he was executed after explaining to the researchers that victim of intimidation when I had been a student of this school.

In January 2017, a man with a kitchen knife injured eleven children in a nursery school in Guangxi Autonomous Region (south).


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