A man walked into a dinosaur statue …


A Man in his 40s died after being trapped inside dinosaur statue in Santa Coloma de Gramanet, a nearby town Barcelona. Researchers doubt why the man entered: They believe he may have intended to spend the night there, or may have entered to attempt to retrieve a fallen object. inside.

Everything points to accidental death“, explained the spokeswoman for Mossos d’Esquadra, who declared that after investigating the events, the police found” no evidence of criminality “.

The statue in which the man died is of a stegosaurus. The corpse was found by a father and son who played in the area. The dinosaur, which was sometimes used by homeless people for the night, has a plaque on its stomach that could move and through which humans could enter.

Police attended the scene when they received the warning. Firefighters they had to cut off one of the legs of the sculpture, consisting of a metal structure covered with a plaster paste, to be able to remove the man. The body was stuck upside down.

A police guess is that the man could have tried to remove a cell phone that fell into the dinosaur and that he died when he was trapped inside.


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