A man was attacked by an exotic and huge p …


A cbadowary, an exotic giant bird native to Australia and Nueva Guínea, murdered a 75-year-old man who was staying on his farm in Florida, United States. The bird, considered one of the deadliest in the world by its powerful claws, was intimidated by the man who accidentally fell in front of him and began to attack him. "Unfortunately, the hospital did not survive his injuries," police said to the local press.

The cbadowary itself has a way of being peaceful and timid, although he feels threatened, he can attack with his legs. At 85 kilos and six feet tall, a single kick can be deadly. From the family of emul and ostrich, the cbadowary is a black bird with a blue head that has daggered legs, measuring up to 25 centimeters.

Marvin Hajos was walking in the yard of his house, where he lived with the bird, when he stumbled on a rock and fell to the ground. At that time, the cbadowary instinctively attacked its owner, who died from scratches.


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