A married woman “the love of her life”: a briefcase | the Chronicle


A young Russian woman who claims to have a sexual and romantic attraction to objects, married a briefcase she bought in 2015.

Rain gordon She was dating a man until, but the relationship ended because she didn’t make the same bond as with Gideon, a name she gave to the most desired object and that she hopes to accompany it for life.

“I’m not against relationships between people, but I’ve never met a person who can overshadow my attraction and fill my heart like Gideon does.”he said in a TV interview.

“My fascination with objects started at the age of eight. Since my childhood, I believed that a soul was anchored in things, as well as in all that surrounds us. I believe in animism, which means there is life in everything. During my childhood and early teenage years, I fell in love with places like the new mall that opened in my city. I knew it was wrong and beyond society’s standards. “Gordon revealed.

Even though at first she was afraid to tell even her own friends, when she confessed to them, they were very understanding and supported her, one of whom was in charge of the ceremony.

Rain Gordon kissing her husband Gideon.

But nonetheless, these weren’t all pleasant days for Rain, who suffered attacks of all kinds for his life decision. “People don’t understand me. They told me I was sick and looking for help, but I won’t let them offend me anymore.”, he claimed.

“Seeing Gideon makes my heart beat faster. I’m madly in love with his silver, his reflections and his metal. He’s the love of my life.” confessed.

“We share our first hug and our first kiss, and spend more time together in the afternoon and evening. We could have philosophical conversations for three or four hours. Our spiritual connection and communication is telepathically displayed. listens to it, and he hears me, but from the outside it seems a monologue “, confessed Rain.

Rain Gordon assures him that Gideon gives him peace.

After five years together, Rain and Gideon got married and the couple even have special wedding rings with individual prints.


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