A medical team will assess whether Tabaré Vázquez's treatment allows him to continue working


After the President of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez, announces that they have detected a nodule in the lungs to the right, the personal doctor of the president, Mario ZelarayánHe said that a team of doctors will be trained to evaluate the treatments to be followed, while confirming that in the absence of "symptoms", the head of state can continue to work normally.

This was explained by Zelarayán to the newspaper The country, which adds that the nodule is detected every year by routine studies. "Vázquez feels very good, without the preventive exams it would have been much worse," he added.

In addition, the doctor confirmed that the Uruguayan president would continue to exercise his position normally, at least until the treatment defined by the team of doctors does not "complicate the situation".

The president of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez, announced that he had a malignant lung nodule

In this line, Zelarayán said that "at the present time, all treatments are possible for this type of tumor, no one is excluded". "These studies are intended to confirm the diagnosis, the type of tumor you have and to develop the treatment plan," he said.

Regarding the types of nodules, he pointed out that "there are some who are aggressive and others who are not" and that it is not yet confirmed that this is a malignant tumor ", it has all the tomographic features of a malignant cancer.. You must continue to study it. "

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The doctor said they did not think it was genetic and that it could be more related to tobacco. "He's a former smoker," he said decades ago, "but he has not smoked for more than 50 years. is to be a pbadive smokerthis is waiting for confirmation, "he said.

The announcement of the nodule in the right lung was made by the president this afternoon at a press conference at the Executive Tower after a meeting with his ministers.

The President has 79 years and it's been three weeks since He suffered the death of his wife, Maria Auxiliadora Delgado.



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