A meeting on the pandemic and vaccination | Carla Vizzotti met with Italian health authorities


The Minister of Health of the Nation, Carla Vizzotti, held a meeting with the authorities of the Instituto Italo Latinoamericano and Instituto Superior de Salud de Italia in which experiences and strategies were shared in the the management of the coronavirus pandemic and the progress of vaccination in the two countries.

The meeting took place as part of a larger meeting, attended by their peers. the countries that make up the G20 and the Argentine Ambassador to Italy Roberto Carlés, in which they were discussed the challenges posed by the post-pandemic for all states of the world, as shown in the portfolio led by Vizzotti.

Minister traveled to Rome to participate in G20 meeting of health ministers In this context, he met with the President of the Higher Institute of Health (ISS), Silvio Brusaferro and with the General Secretary of the Italian-Latin American Institute (IILA), Antonella Cavallari.

The main mission of the Italian-Latin American Institute is to promote and strengthen relations between Italy and Latin America, while the Italian Higher Institute of Health is the main center for research, control and technical-scientific advice in the field of public health in this country.

During the meeting with the Italians, the articulation between the two institutions and the national health portfolio was seen as a “huge opportunity, so that Argentina is a bridge with the Americas region on strategic issues such as the training of human resources, telemedicine, the appropriate use of antimicrobials, the articulation of regulatory agencies and the strengthening of science and technology, so that they have an impact on the health of the population ” , was it detailed.

On the other hand, the Health portfolio stressed that “taking into account the bilateral interests and the solid relationship between Argentina and Italy, the axes of cooperation have focused on the strategy that the two countries share in the field of health. mental health and the relevance of linking technology with primary care as an opportunity generated by the pandemic to promote the population’s access to strategies for prevention, vaccination, the fight against chronic non-communicable diseases, the fight against chronic diseases. vector transmission and vertical transmission, with a focus on populations with difficulty accessing the health system. “

The Higher Institute of Health is the main center for research, control and technical-scientific advice in the field of public health in Italy. It is structured around 6 Departments, 16 National Centers, 2 Reference Centers and 5 Technical-Scientific Services, its areas of work include Food, Nutrition and Food Security, Climate; Environment and Health; Medicines, vaccines and advanced therapies; Fertility; Gender and health; Clinical government; up to chronic diseases and old age; Infectious diseases; Neurological diseases; rare diseases; Prevention and health promotion; Radiation protection; Health of women, children and adolescents; Global health and inequalities; Mental Health; Veterinary public health; Chemical substances and sanitary control; Innovative technologies for health and telemedicine.

In addition, he is in charge of publishing studies on public health issues and reports on statistics related to indicators of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, the IILA -created in 1966 as a tool to promote and strengthen relations between Italy and Latin America- is made up of Italy and the 20 Latin American republics, among which Argentina , the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

The director of the ISS, Andrea Piccioli; the director of the National Center for Telemedicine and New Assistive Technologies, Francesco Gabbrielli; the head of the scientific secretariat of the ISS, Luigi Bertinato; the technical-scientific secretary of the IILA, ​​Florencia Paoloni; the socio-economic secretary of IILA, ​​Sarah Cordero; the Executive Director of IILA, ​​Gianandrea Rossi; the head of the international cooperation section of the Argentine embassy in Italy, Lucas Paviolo, and the national director of international relations of the country’s health ministry, Carla Moretti.


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