A memorable election: the day Karina Jelinek was late to vote and pleaded to open her school


"Do not hit me, I'm Giordano", "Walk, lady, walk", "Wallet kills galant" … are some of the phrases that our unprecedented show has left us over the years. And it would be time to add one more to this list: "Open, I want to vote!" The author is nothing less than Karina Jelinek, who played in 2013 in one of the categories bloopers most hilarious elections.

That year, the model arrived half an hour late at the school in Palermo where she had to vote for the legislatures, very confident that the authorities of the table would make an exception to open the door after hours normal. He parked his Smart, ran to the bars and started shouting: "I come from a production! Open me pleaseHey! Have you closed yet? Open, I want to vote! They told me it was open … "

She also interviewed her badistant, who would have badured her that she would wait with an open urn to vote. "Who did you talk to, Paula?" The girl did not answer.

The moment that remained in the history of the bloopers.
The moment that remained in the history of the bloopers.

A news camera from Cbad 9 He recorded all the time and the columnist's questions about the delay did not help alleviate Karina's anger for not being able to fulfill her civic duty. "Do not put the microphone in my head … I already knew the program, do not take me for a walk … I worked, just like you"shouted the model.

A photographer who was instead also linked some of Jelinek's fury, then in the eye of the cyclone because he was separating from the valijero K Leo Fariña: "Why do not you take me too in photo? Oh, you are terrible.

Finally, Karina was resigned and said goodbye to the columnists with a thought: "Well, the important thing is that the intention was".

After this unforgettable episode, Karina was much more clairvoyant and arrived at the time for all elections. Of course, every Sunday election can not prevent someone on social networks from reminding you of the voting schedule.

This year, the model may be never arrive at your school because in the last days she has been on vacation in Ibiza, enjoying the European summer with friends.


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