A meteor fell in Australia | That was the size of …


A large meteorite that, according to specialists, can be considered "a small nuclear weapon", illuminated the skies of at least two Australian states. The phenomenon was captured by several cameras from South Australia and Victoria, which showed how the fireball turned the sky into blue and orange.

A NASA center has verified that after reaching a speed of 44,100 km / h when entering the Earth's stratosphere, the asteroid has burned and broken. Some parts landed about 300 kilometers west-southwest of Mount Gambier in the Great Bay of Australia.

According to Professor Phil Bland of Curtin University, "The energy deposited in our atmosphere when it exploded at 1.6 kilotons was impressive." "It's within the reach of a small nuclear weapon. Because it exploded at an altitude of 31.5 km, it did not cause any damage. "In comparison, the nuclear bomb that exploded on Hiroshima was 15 kilotons.

The local police also shared a video of the phenomenon and joked on social networks, after no injuries were recorded: "We have asked the neighbors to be vigilant as to the possible presence of d & rsquo; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Aliens (including Alf himself) ". caution, "they added.

Dr. Steve Chesley, NASA's aerospace engineer, told ABC Radio that the object could have been the size of a small car or a large sofa when it was entered the atmosphere, but that the high pressure made it break and that "Small pieces the size of a fist or bigger" could reach the surface like meteorites. "You do not want it to fall on your head," he says. "But it really would not do any damage on the ground," he said.

A Facebook user has described it as "a huge bright white light". "The whole night sky was shining bright orange with what looked like a comet with flames spurting from Earth to the atmosphere," said Katie Wahlheim.


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