Today, the state-owned company known as the Argentina Aircraft Factory (FAdeA) is 92 years old. Throughout this period, she changed her name and now calls itself Military Aircraft Factory, Córdoba Material Area, and only once in her hands when it was ceded to the American Lockheed Martin. Years of back and forth until he finally seems to have regained the productivity of his years of splendor. That's what reveals the management report presented last week by Antonio Beltramone, president of the factory. 25% of the Cordoba plant's revenue comes from agreements outside the Air Force and the state, the company's main historical customers. The projection based on the new companies explored will reach 50% by 2021, said Beltramone. The initiative uses two elevators to extend maintenance services to the private aerospace sector and boost exports of the flagship product; the IA-63 Pampa III.
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