A military plane crashed in the Pakistani district: 17 dead and several wounded | Chronic


A Pakistani army training plane crashed in a residential area of ​​Rawalpindi town, leaving a tragic toll of 17 dead and 12 wounded of varying severity.

This was reported by a statement from the Military Communication Office (ISPR) that the incident occurred "during routine training", and that 12 civilians and 5 crew members died there.

A spokesman for the police of Islamabad airport, Nazir Hussain, quoted by the news agency EFE He said that the accident occurred today at dawn in the village of Mora Kalu, adjacent to Rawalpindi, and that "Many houses have been damaged."

The exercise revealed that the wounded had been taken to hospitals and that civilian and military rescue teams were on the scene of the incident, where the fire was already extinguished.

One of the last air crashes in Pakistan took place in 2015, when the ambbadadors of the Philippines and Norway and the wives of diplomats from Malaysia and Indonesia died in the accident. a military helicopter.

The Asian country experienced in 2010 one of its worst air tragedies when 152 people died in a plane crash in Islamabad.


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