A military plane fell in the middle of a district in Pakistan: 18 people died burned


At least 18 people, including many civilians, have died in Pakistan when a small air force aircraft from Pakistan it's crashed in a residential neighborhood from Rawalpindi, on the outskirts of the capital Islamabad.

In the accident, the five members of the aircrew and 13 civilians were killed, said Farooq Butt, spokesman for the emergency services, who reported on the incident. a dozen wounded.

"The bodies are calcined, which prevents identification. All were taken to the military hospital for DNA testing, "he added.

The accident occurred in the middle of the night in a poor city located on the outskirts of the city of Rawalpindi, where is the seat of the powerful Pakistani army. The area was quickly cordoned off by security forces, while dozens of ambulances arrived at the site.

The armed forces declared in a statement that it was one of the training plane who performed a "routine training mission" at the time of the accident. The wounded were taken to hospitals and the fire was stifled.

A crowd concentrated on the square, some crying, like an old man with a white beard and a bandaged torso, Kala Khan, who shouted "Oh, my son, my son!", While other locals were trying to comfort him the death of his son in the accident.

Kala Khan lost his son in the accident. (Photo: AFP / Aamir Qureshi)
Kala Khan lost his son in the accident. (Photo: AFP / Aamir Qureshi)

A neighbor told the news agency AFP that the accident occurred around 2 o'clock in the morning. "I was sleeping when the sound of a huge breath I wake up. I left my house and saw huge flames. We ran to the place, people screamed, "said Mohamad Sadiq, a neighbor of the region.

"We tried to help them but the flames were too high and the fire too intense, we could not do anything. Among the dead, there are seven members of the same family and most died of burns. "

The military is investigating the area of ​​the plane crash. (Photo: AP / Anjum Naveed)
The military is investigating the area of ​​the plane crash. (Photo: AP / Anjum Naveed)

"I woke up when the plane pbaded over my room and I was already on fire .The noise was terrifying," said another resident, Ghulam Khan. "Then he came across a house where a family lived," he added.

Pakistan has recorded several aviation accidents in recent years, both planes and helicopters.

In 2016, a Pakistan International Airlines plane was in flames after the breakdown of one of its two turboprop aircraft as it was traveling from a remote region of northern Pakistan to Islamabad, making more of 40 dead.

The deadliest air disaster on Pakistani soil occurred in 2010, when an Airbus 321 operated by the privately owned Airblue, which had just taken off from Karachi, crashed into the hills at the off Islamabad, with a death toll of 152.


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