A minister showed a video of an alleged meeting between Guaidó and the MP for Maduro


Suppos video of Juan Guaidó

Rodríguez summoned journalists to the Miraflores presidential palace to make sure that Guaidó, during an interview that he offered yesterday to CNN in SpanishHe lied when he allegedly did not meet Chavez 's leaders.

As well, he showed a video of security cameras in which he saw a man with a hooded diver and a cap that prevents him from seeing his facewalking in a hotel followed by opposition MP Roberto Marrero and chauvinists Freddy Bernal and Diosdado Cabello.

According to Rodríguez, the man with the hood is Guaidó, who was entering a meeting with Chavez leaders, who reportedly told them that he was under pressure from the United States and his party's leader, the 39, incarcerated, Leopoldo López.

"I am going to do a brief exercise of psychiatric badysis and for that I need you to see an excerpt from the interview that the lady did (Patricia) Janiot to acting deputy Juan Guaidó"said Rodriguez, who is a psychiatrist.

He then transmitted the slow motion video of the interview so that Guaidó's gestures are visible.

"Pay attention to the eye movements of acting deputy Juan Guaidó, to the eyebrow movement and to the fact that if you blink or not, when he starts to raise his eyebrows and stop blinking, that's what he's doing. is a pathognomonic sign nobody says a lie, "he said.

He added that "when Ms. Janiot asked the question, she stiffened and stopped blinking, she keeps a stare because the brain builds the lie," he concludes.


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