A month and a half after the poll in Peru, the electoral authorities will proclaim the president on July 20


05-30-2021 Presidential candidates Keiko Fujimori, from Fuerza Popular, and Pedro Castillo, from Peru Libre, in an electoral debate in Arequipa SOUTH AMERICAN POLICY PERU LATIN AMERICA POOL INTERNATIONAL
05-30-2021 Presidential candidates Keiko Fujimori, from Fuerza Popular, and Pedro Castillo, from Peru Libre, in an electoral debate in Arequipa SOUTH AMERICAN POLICY PERU LATIN AMERICA POOL INTERNATIONAL

The National Election Jury (JNE) plans to proclaim Peru’s next president on July 20, a month and a half after the second round of voting between Pedro Castillo and Keiko Fujimori, as confirmed by a spokesperson for JNE herself.

“We hope that andOn Tuesday of next week, the general act of proclamation has already been agreed“JNE presidential adviser Alexandra Marallano said in statements to the state news agency, Andean.

The general minutes could be published this same Saturday or Sunday, which would open a period of three days for appeals, and finally on Tuesday the general minutes will be published with the announcement of the results of the second electoral round.

We believe that “the Saturday or Sunday are proclaimed at JNE level and we hope that on Tuesday of next week the general act of proclamation will be approved, ”he stressed.

PHOTO FILE.  Supporters of Peruvian presidential candidate Pedro Castillo gather in front of the national election jury in Lima, Peru.  June 11, 2021. REUTERS / Ángela Ponce
PHOTO FILE. Supporters of Peruvian presidential candidate Pedro Castillo gather in front of the national election jury in Lima, Peru. June 11, 2021. REUTERS / Ángela Ponce

Once the general act of proclaiming the results has been agreed and published, no other procedure has any effect on the electoral process, which would already be completed. “There will be a resolution to close the electoral process which says who are the winners and the composition of the new government”, has explained.

Another indication of the end of the process, this Saturday Peru21 reported that the lawyers of the Fujimori party, Popular Force, Julio César Castiglioni, Gino Romero and Pedro Panta left the formation, according to another Fuerza Popular lawyer, Lourdes Flores Nano.

Flores also assured that the party led by Keiko Fujimori will not bring any legal action after the JNE’s final decision. “For all I know, Popular Force would not file any type of lawsuit“, he underlined.” Unfortunately “the final declaration of the JNE” will violate the rights of millions of Peruvians “, he warned.

The measures taken by Fujimori’s party consecutively delayed Castillo’s proclamation, since they no longer have the possibility to demand votes in their favor, and when there are only 12 days left for the change of government and the transfer process.

The president of the National Election Jury (JNE), Jorge Luis Salas.  EFE / Paolo Aguilar / Archives
The president of the National Election Jury (JNE), Jorge Luis Salas. EFE / Paolo Aguilar / Archives

Last Wednesday the 60 members of the Special Electoral Jury (JEE) have finished proclaiming the results in a decentralized manner as a preliminary step to the general proclamation of the JNE. Also, last Monday, the JNE has completed its review of the 270 challenges to the minutes submitted by Fuerza Popular. All were rejected. And at Friday 8:00 p.m. put an end to the three working day deadline for filing annulment appeals against the JEE minutes.

In the second round played on June 6, Pedro Castillo (Free Peru), won with a narrow margin (50.12%) on the ultra-conservative option represented by Keiko Fujimori (Popular Force), who with 49.87 percent of the ballots.

Friday, The virtual elected president commented on his Twitter account some of his campaign promises that he will keep during his government (2021-2026), from July 28.

Fuerza Popular candidate Keiko Fujimori.  REUTERS / Sebastian Castaneda / File Photo
Fuerza Popular candidate Keiko Fujimori. REUTERS / Sebastian Castaneda / File Photo

Castillo affirmed that “Peru of the Bicentenary deserves a Constitution forged from dialogue, reconciliation and commitment to the dignity of all”.

“Athe constitution promoted by its noble people and approved in a democracy, without threats of a coup ”, he clarified about the proposal to convene a constituent assembly.

“(In this way) we will safely advance in the democratic channel to put an end to the historical discrimination suffered by our Andean and Amazonian peoples, Afro-descendants and our populations vulnerable to gender-based, class and racist violence ”, declared the rural teacher.

Castillo insisted that his The government will favor growth “which does not derogate from social development and the reconquest of labor, ecological, social and economic rights”, so that Peruvians can “live in dignity”.

With information from EuropaPress and EFE


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