A mother found her 8 and 4 year old children hanged in the basement of her house


Lisa Snyder, a mother of two went to the basement of her home in Pennsylvania (United States) and found a Horrible scene. His two children, Conner Snyder, 8 years and Brinley Snyder, of 4, They were hanging In a state of unconsciousness. He transferred them urgently to the local hospital, where they managed to revive them. They died three days later.

The macabre fact is produced in a house of Township of Albany September 23, but has met recently. When the boys' mother came down to the basement, she looked in horror at the little ones they were hanging on a beam, hanging on metal cables covered with plastic, with two chairs underneath them.

According to the investigation, when his mother found them, they were unconscious and had suffered a cardiac arrest. They were taken to the local hospital, where doctors managed to resuscitate them. They died three days later.

According to the portal L & # 39; oxygen, The mother of the boys told the police that in front of her house she had a dog tied up with a wire rope covered with plastic. He is suspected of being the same that the children would hang themselves.

Until now, the court has ordered no detention, and it's a mystery Which led the boys to hang on the beam of their house.

Berks County Attorney John T. Adams He explained that it was a "complex case" and that "it would take time" to determine the motive of the accomplished macabre. "My team and the state police are working hard to find answers and resolve this unfortunate incident," he said.

This is the house where the two boys were hanged


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