A mother saw a rare mark on her son and, thanks to his quick reaction, saved his life


strange red mark arms facebook message

A few days later, the boy showed his hand to his mother. "I noticed that the redness followed his vein"He recounted about the time when he had decided to take Ewan urgently to the hospital. "When the doctor saw him, he congratulated me for recognizing him and arriving as soon as possible"he confessed.

It turns out that the boy had sepsis, a "blood poisoning" It takes a lot of lives a year. "This is not something you can" leave "until Monday," warned Alexandra in her message.

Sepsis is a critical condition that occurs when the body responds to an infection with inflammation that, in the most severe cases, generates an acute failure of other organs.

The mother's suspicions stem from the fact that in 2017, one of her friends shared a similar case on Facebook and that's why she knew how to recognize the sign of sepsis.

"I hope my message will help somebody in the same way that my friend's message has helped me," he said. "Antibiotics work," she said relieved, informing parents, "If you see this red line forming on a wound along the vein, see your doctor immediately."


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