A neo-Nazi in Germany sentenced to life imprisonment


After more than five years of trial, the only remaining member of a German neo-Nazi group was sentenced to life imprisonment for a series of racist murders that shocked Germany.

Beate Zschäpe, 43 years old and the only living member of the trio "National Socialist Clandestiny" (NSU), was convicted for his involvement in the murders committed throughout Germany of eight Turks or of the original Turkish, a Greek and German police officer, between 2000 and 2007

At the request of the prosecution, the Munich court also deprives her of the possibility of applying for parole after 15 years, because of the " Particularly serious "of his" lack ", according to the verdict read by the judge presiding over the hearing room, Manfred Götzl.

The convicted lawyer Wolfgang Heer announced that his client would appeal the sentence by baduring that his "presence at the scene of a crime" is not "

Zschäpe" approved the far-right views of his environment, "especially those against Jews and foreigners," the judge said. Götzl

"Racist violence is not fought only with the force of law, intolerance and hatred must be confronted with the diversity of our open societies", responded the German Minister of Foreign Affairs foreigners, Heiko Maas, on Twitter

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