A new Asian pickup is born: from when and where the future "anti Toro" will be produced


Hyundai decided to manufacture its future pickup in the United States, possibly from 2020. This was acknowledged by the vice president of product planning of the Asian company Michael O & # 39; Brien, in an interview with the Automotive News media.

The director has revealed that they have not yet defined the plant in which they would produce, but it is a fact that it will be inside the North American country. The reason: good they would get rid of the 25% import tax who punishes the vans imported to the United States.

O & # 39; Brien also explained that Hyundai preferred to avoid "political controversies" (sic). Clear and simple, with this decision They are trying to escape a possible problem with Donald Trump, the current president of the United States, which prevents auto companies that manufacture outside of this country from selling later on the domestic market.

Unofficial sketch of the future Hyundai pick-up. Leisure: motor1.
Unofficial sketch of the future Hyundai pick-up. Leisure: motor1.

So things, the Argentine market is at a disadvantage to receive this recovery. Currently, models imported from the United States pay 35% of the value of "extrazone". It would have been different if, as badyzed at one point, Mexico was chosen to make it. A bilateral trade agreement (with quota) is in force with this country and its cars do not pay "extra" taxes at the local level.

On the model, the executive foresaw that "it would be a very versatile vehicle". "This comes with the promise of creating a new category of buyers," he said. Of course: it will be an "intermediate" pickup, neither girl nor medium; c & # 39; is to say, size Fiat Toro. Will use the Tucson platform.

North America is fertile ground for collections, but in the upper segments. Hyundai will be the first to be encouraged to market one of this size, although Volkswagen is also badyzing the sale of the future Tarok in this country.

The design of the future pickup would not take too many features of the prototype. For Hyundai, its design language has already been
The design of the future pickup would not take too many features of the prototype. For Hyundai, its design language is already "old". Photo: Hyundai.


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