A new country risk record and Argentina surpasses Venezuela


A report from the University of Avellaneda indicates that Argentina is the country of the region where the indicator has risen the most in 2018, even surpbading devastated Venezuela.

April 11, 2019

The country risk is in the highest values ​​so far this year and goes up to the 816 points. In 2018, Argentina was the country where the indicator had increased the most across the region.

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According to a report from the Public Policy Observatory of Avellaneda University, country risk continues to increase since 2017. In addition, over the last year, our country has been at the top of the rankings in terms of increasing this variable.

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The scale was as follows: Argentina (+ 99.8%), Venezuela (+ 28.1%), Uruguay (+ 5.6%), Colombia (+ 2.9%), Brazil (+2, 0). %), Ecuador (-1.6%) and Chile (-3.4%).

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On a global scale, Argentina has overtaken Turkey with 43.7%, Ukraine with 25.4% and South Africa with 25.2%. And to this is added that the country could finish the year as the third in the ranking of the countries with the most inflation in the world, according to a report prepared by the MFIs with a total of 189 countries, surpbading only Venezuela and South Sudan.


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