A new mass demonstration has ended with repression and chaos in Hong Kong


The Civil Rights Human Rights Front, the organization that rallies protesters and calls the weekly marches against the government, announced that 430,000 people had protested today, while the police were counting on them. 138,000, according to the local newspaper South China Morning Post.

As happened a few weeks ago, the demonstration was held in a calm manner until, at nightfall, the police gave the order to disperse and that 39, a group of demonstrators refuses.

Police fired tear gas three times against the population, and the crowd dispersed.

However, scenes of chaos and fear continued in the subway and train stations, where men in white shirts were hitting protesters trying to take public transport, according to videos posted on social networks and reproduced by the media. . local journal

These attacks on civilians continued late into the night without police intervention.

Last month, the Hong Kong opposition launched a series of street protests that ended up being the most important in the recent history of the region.

The initial request was that the local government of Carrie Lam withdraw from the parliamentary debate a project of extradition of suspected criminals to China and other jurisdictions, which, according to the protesters and the whole of the Opposition could be used for political purposes against dissidents.

Lam finally agreed to withdraw the bill from Parliament, but by then the protests had created a climate of rejection of the government so important that the protesters had decided to stay in the streets en mbade and to ask not only his definitive elimination, but the resignation of the chief.

During one of the most important peaks of popular mobilization and political tension this past month, hundreds of protesters took Parliament, forced the police to flee and left the Hong Kong company in suspense for at least a few hours.


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