A new Mussolini goes from candidate | He is the great-grandson …


PageI12 in Italy

From Rome

When you see the advertising posters of the European elections next May for which Caius Julio Cesar Mussolini was a candidate, some asked "will a parent be?". Not Caius Julius Caesar, one of the greatest emperors of ancient Rome, but Benito Mussolini, said "he Duce", creator of fascism and great ally of Hitler and Franco, the dictators who provoked the civil war the second World War.

In fact, Cayo Julio César Mussolini was little known until now. The 50-year-old great-grandson of Benito Mussolini was born in Argentina where he lived with his father Guido and his family for several years. He also went to live in Argentina after the war. His grandfather, Vittorio Mussolini, was married in 1937 with Orsola Buvoli, an Italo-Argentinian. As a young Cayo Julio Caesar, his family moved to Venezuela where he lived from 1978 to 1986. Young man he decided to enter the Navy. A few years later, he joined the business world and became director of Oto Melara, a company belonging to the Italian group Finmeccanica. dedicated to the manufacture of weapons, among other weapons for naval use.

Cayo Julio César has lived for 12 years in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, where he works for Drbad, an Italian company in the city of Livorno that produces small submarines. But now he is campaigning in Italy.

The great-grandson of Mussolini is a candidate for deputation to the European Parliament of the right-wing party "Fratelli d'Italia" (Brothers of Italy) led by Giorgia Meloni. Both made a curious video of the presentation of this candidacy with a particular background: the square Colosseum (named because of its resemblance to the ancient Colosseum of Rome), monument of "fascist architecture ", built in the time of Mussolini (from 1938). His original name is "Palace of Civilization of Work". It was built on the occasion of the planned World Expo (Rome) (then canceled by the war) in a neighborhood also sent for construction by "Il Duce", located outside the historic center of the capital, and what we call today simply EUR. Despite the background of this video, which clearly refers to Benito Mussolini tacitly suggesting that speakers speak something similar, Meloni repeatedly repeated this candidate for this Mussolini, as he did with Rachele Mussolini – Benito's granddaughter Mussolini and current Councilor to the Municipality of Rome – not because of his last name but because of his personal qualities.

The presence of the new Mussolini has sparked a lot of controversy. A few days ago, Facebook temporarily canceled his page, apparently without explanations. To which the candidate reacted by accusing Facebook of discrimination and threatening him with a lawsuit brought by his lawyers. "Whenever Italy approaches elections, the controversy over fascism and right-wing extremism reappears.What happened to Cayo Mussolini for his candidacy is shameful, it's a real lynch", commented the president of Senators Fratelli d'Italia, Luca Ciriani. "I want to rebadure everyone," said Mussolini, in a note from him. I will not campaign with "i fasci littori" (a typical stick of ancient Rome, wrapped in leather ribbons and with an ax, symbol of power during fascism) or Roman greetings (with the arm right held high, typical of Nazism and fascism). But I find it unacceptable that Facebook has closed my personal profile. "" The Brothers of Italy are like me a patriotic party, "said the great-grandson of the dictator, adding," I am not a fascist. Fascism is dead with Mussolini. I have a difficult last name but I am waiting to be judged on what I have done and what I am going to do. "

With Cayo Julio César, there will be three Mussolini who have come to the world of politics in Italy because, besides Rachele, we must add his sister Alejandra, with many years of political experience, but also a European deputy who Silzio Berlusconi, Forza Italia, has completed his term in May, although he began his career with the Italian Philo-fascist Social Movement (MSI).

Another Mussolini tried to engage in politics but without success. This is the case of Guido Mussolini, father of Cayo Julio César and son of Vittorio, who only returned to Italy in 1990 after living in Argentina and Venezuela since the end of the Second World War. World War. Guido appeared unsuccessfully as a candidate for the Senate in 1994 with the Fiamma Tricolore party (Flame Tricolor) and in 2001 as a candidate for the far right Forza Nuova (New Force) for the mayor of Rome.

That three Mussolini appear today in the Italian political world is for many badysts a red light, an alarm signal of what is happening in the country, especially since the arrival in power of the party. right, there is a little more than a year. La Liga, led by Salvini. But it is also a warning signal of what is happening in Europe, where right and far right are progressing in leaps and bounds in recent years. This has been demonstrated by the election results in Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, Sweden, France, Italy, Poland and Belgium. They have not yet reached the government in all these countries, but their progress in terms of electoral results is remarkable.

And the flags that they sport are more or less the same throughout Europe. In the first place, the fight against immigration – which today comes mainly from Africa – which they consider dangerous, without accepting, among others, as the international organizations repeat, that a continent with a low rate of birthrate like Europe will need young immigrants who work and pay their contributions to the state so that the state can pay the pensions of thousands and thousands of European pensioners. The other problem raised by the right is the sovereignty of the countries themselves, criticizing the European Union forcing them, they say, to comply with certain standards that they consider harmful to their nations.

In fact, all the stupefaction of the people who vote now and prefer the right is linked to the great uncertainty created by globalization, which, although it has allowed the growth of many economies, has raised other challenges in terms of social and labor, which societies have not been able to cope with (technological progress and migration and for example). And the responsibility is partly borne by some political parties, including those on the left and center, who have not been able to create a country project that addresses these issues.

The right, which appears timidly as an alternative to this situation, was organized on an international scale and, in this respect, founded in 2010 the European Alliance for Freedom, which includes the French Marine Le Pen of France. National Association (former National Front). ) and the Italian Minister of the Interior and a fierce fighter against migrants, Matteo Salvini from La Liga. These alliances have been strengthened in view of the forthcoming 26 May European elections. If the right gets a parliamentary majority, the European Union, according to some experts, would run serious risks, as it could change in many ways, not only politically and economically, but also in terms of Alliances and military actions.


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