a new record of deaths due to Covid-19


The toll exceeds the previous maximum, detected on Sunday with 890 dead and 887 on Friday.

Likewise, the country has been four straight days above 25,000 cases, amid a sharp rebound in the past two weeks.

The Kremlin has said the situation is concerning, but has yet to consider a nationwide lockdown or any other nationwide measure.

Varias regiones rusas tienen asistencia limitada a eventos masivos y acceso restringido a algunos lugares públicos, como teatros, cines, restaurantes y bars, solo accessible para aquellos que fueron vacunados, quienes están recientemente recuperados de Covid-19 or los ieron Time.

However, critics argue that these measures are not enough to curb the rise.

New daily infections in the Russian capital have nearly quadrupled over the past month, from around 1,100 in early September to around 4,000 this week.

Today, Moscow has once again become the Russian city with the most deaths and deaths, with 3,827 and 72, respectively, Russian news agency Sputnik reported.

Behind is St. Petersburg, with 1,894 cases and 58 deaths.

In some parts of the country, including these two big cities, life remains largely normal, with businesses operating as usual and a little jugular requirement enforced.

Meanwhile, the vast health care system of Russia began to show signs of being overwhelmed by the epidemic.

Russian media reported that increasingly long lines of ambulances were forming outside hospitals in St. Petersburg, the country’s second city.

In the city of Vladimir, 180 kilometers east of Moscow, a team of paramedics was seen driving a Covid-19 patient to a local government building after failing to find a hospital bed, Russian media reported.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters today that the “main cause” of the increase in deaths was “the insufficient level of immunization”.

Peskov noted that “the virus is getting smarter and smarter” and warned that generally the unvaccinated are those who become seriously ill or die.

Until last week, 33.5% of the 146 million inhabitants of Russia they had received at least one dose of the vaccine and only 27.4% were fully immunized.

Despite the increase in infections, the Moscow authorities announced yesterday the closure of the largest vaccination point in the Russian capital at Gostiny Dvor, a huge exhibition space, in order to organize “cultural events”.

For his part, the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, announced yesterday that local authorities plan to resume lotteries among vaccinated citizens.

Since the start of the pandemic, Russia accumulates more than 7.6 million cases and 211,696 deaths caused by Covid-19.

However, reports from the Statistical Service of the State of Russia, Rosstat, indicate that the number of coronavirus-related deaths retroactively reveals much higher figures.

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