A new species of marsupial has been discovered in Quindío


Woolly chucha.  Photo: Radio RCN / Hugo Mantilla Meluk.
Woolly chucha. Photo: Radio RCN / Hugo Mantilla Meluk.

In Quindío, researchers recorded a new species of marsupial, hitherto unknown in the country. The discovery is of the utmost importance to scientists, as this animal is vital in the development of ecosystems.

According to information from RCN Radio, the director of the Center for High Mountain Studies, professor and researcher at the University of Quindío, Hugo Mantilla Meluk, He assured that it was a new species of “woolly chucha”.

Despite this important finding, the environmental and animal community expresses its concern, because according to information from the station, “One of the individuals was found electrocuted on a power line.”

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In turn, researcher Mantilla revealed that the discovery of the species is very important for the region, since the animal “is responsible for dispersing the seeds and is a pest controller”.

He also assured that, will work hand in hand with the environmental authority of Quindío, in favor of the protection of this new species, as well as to ensure its conditions, as the circumstances in which the animal was found are of concern.

“One of these results alerts us to a problem that exists in Quindío, namely With the progress of urbanization, we entered the home of these animals that are the forests and one of them was recovered but electrocuted, assured the university professor on RCN Radio.

'Woolly Chucha' (Caluromys lanatus).  Photo: Wikipedia.
‘Woolly Chucha’ (Caluromys lanatus). Photo: Wikipedia.

Marsupial species are related to other animals such as koalas and kangaroos. According to the expert, in particular, the “woolly chucha” is found in a vulnerable state in Colombia and Ecuador; but it is also threatened by the disappearance of forests and also of their habitats.

“He is vulnerable because It is an arboreal species that depends on forests and there are fewer and fewer because they are affected by deforestation and the creation of urban centers “Mantilla noted on RCN Radio.

Likewise, he said that in collaboration with the Regional Autonomous Society of Quindío (CRQ), solutions are being sought to protect this species, which so far has been discovered in the department and which, in turn, represents a key element for the preservation of ecosystems.

According to the Zarigüeya Foundation, it is “a nocturnal, arboreal, and solitary species, which feed mainly on fruits, but include small invertebrates and during the dry season, it drinks the nectar of the flowers ”.

In addition, studies indicate that although its behavior in the wild deserves further investigation, it has been detected in captive individuals who “They show strictly nocturnal activity, especially at times close to sunset and sunrise.”

They are also known to spend a lot of their time grooming themselves, meticulously cleaning the face, ventral and lateral areas of the trunk, as well as the tail with their hands. They stand out for being amazing climbers because they use their long tails to balance themselves and thus maintain balance.

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