A new victim of the military dictatorship identified in Uruguay | Internationale


The dentist and communist militant Eduardo Bleier is the last of the disappeared of the Uruguayan dictatorship (1973-1985), found buried in a military property and identified thanks to the collaboration of the Argentine scientific police. This news coincides with a new anonymous complaint that led on Wednesday to the resumption of searches in another military field, Battalion 14, where there is supposed to be more illegal burials.

Thus, removing land in different barracks in the country for years, sometimes with minimal or irregular indications, is the only and painful way to find the 195 missing who, according to family organizations, remain in the country. Since 2005, when the Uruguayan justice ordered the authorization of the excavations, five people were found and identified, while the pact of silence of the military of the time is still in force. This notice allows for silence or misleading clues about where the victims are. .

In the middle of Yom Kippur – the day of forgiveness -, the Jewish community of Uruguay received confirmation of death under the torture of Bleier, arrested on October 29, 1975 in the midst of an intense operation of the security forces against the Communist Party in secret. Several witnesses stated that he was in a detention center, 300 Carlos, and that he had been tortured with particular cruelty for his belonging to the Jewish community. Bleier's body was found with his hands tied and half-naked. The forensic analysis confirmed the ill-treatment, but she has not yet established the causes of her death.

Electoral impact

Eduardo Bleier left four children, including one of the leading journalists, who released the effect of "healing" that the discovery of his father's remains had for the family. In the midst of the presidential and parliamentary election campaign, which is taking place on the 27th of this month, political reactions on this sensitive issue have been scrutinized.

The most anticipated was that of the right-wing officer Guido Manini Ríos, who appears for the first time in the presidency after the creation of the Cabildo Open party. Manini Ríos was removed from his post as commander-in-chief of the Uruguayan army this year for his actions related to the affairs of the dictatorship. The army avoided making direct statements about the Bleier case, but said that "it is hoped that this case will start to change and that it will begin to look for real solutions to the real problems of Uruguay and not to keep talking about things that happened long ago ". .

The National Party, which does not exclude an alliance with the Open Cabildo for a second round of voting, strongly condemned the crimes of the dictatorship. PN candidate Luis Lacalle Pou communicated directly with the Bleier family to convey his condolences. Beatriz Argimón, presidential candidate for the video and chairman of the PN council, described the communist militant's death as a state crime.

Since the Frente Amplio, party in power, a coalition of leftist parties, messages of commitment to the search for the missing have been disseminated. For his part, the candidate for the Colorado (center-right) party, Ernesto Talvi, said that the responsibility of the Uruguayan state would end only when all cases of missing persons have been clarified.


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