A new work attributed to Banksy, discovered in London


A new work that seems painted by the mysterious artist British urban banksy was discovered this Friday, April 26, 2019 near London Park where the environmentalists of the organization Extinguish Rebellion They camped for a week and a half of demonstrations.

It is the drawing of a boy squatting in the right hand holding the symbol of Extinguish Rebellionnext to a shovel and a mound of earth where he seems to have planted a small tree.

Beside him, a message written in white capitals says: "From now on, despair ends and tactics begin."

The work was discovered in the morning at Marble Arch, one of the busiest crossroads of the center of London, located at the north end of Hyde Park

Activists of climate change, the collective Extinction Rebellion, during the group camp at Marble Arch in London, April 26, 2019. Photo: AFP

Activists of climate change, the collective Extinction Rebellion, during the group camp at Marble Arch in London, April 26, 2019. Photo: AFP

L & # 39; addition Instagram of Banksy, his usual means of communication, did not yet collect the piece, but according to several experts, its characteristics and its quality suggest that it can only be about this artist, that only a handful of people in the world knows.

The art dealer Andrew Tetleywho sold several works of Banksy, says the London newspaper Standard evening: "It's practically a certainty that's yours."

"It has not yet been clearly confirmed that this is Banksybut this clearly causes a lot of enthusiasm, "he told AFP. Lindsey Solomons, 53 years old, street art fan who admired the work.

"I think the message speaks for itself, that if we do not do something for the planet, we will clearly reach a desperate point, and it captures it very well," he added.

For eleven consecutive days, activists from Extinguish Rebellion they broke at different points of London with festive events that have seriously disrupted the traffic to denounce the lack of action against the climate change.

The mobilization, which ended on Thursday, resulted in 1,130 arrests and 69 people were charged mainly for obstructing roads and resisting police action.

Banksy That caused a stir in October when one of his paintings began to self-carve right after being auctioned for $ 1.4 million (1.2 million euros).

The artist, whose works still have political or social content, has in the past treated issues such as l & # 39; immigration and refugees, the Palestinian cause and the movement of "yellow vests" in la France.


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