A New Zealander terrorist is a supporter of Trump | Chronic


Brenton Tarrant, one of the men who committed a mbadacre in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, which caused dozens of deaths, was featured in a manifesto published on social networks as a supporter of Donald Trumpand he badured that Muslims "They will never conquer our lands".

In the 73 – page text, he describes himself as a 28 – year – old white man, motivated to commit his act of contempt for growing migrations of foreigners. In the same writing, the man asks himself questions "for possible questions", which include several answers as justification.

Among these issues to himself, he breaks off having a charge of conscience for the murder of children, since "The children of the invaders do not stay like children, they become adults and reproduce, thus creating more invaders to replace their people".

Some of your questions and answers

Why did you lead the attack?

"To show the invaders that our lands will never be their lands, our lands are ours and that as long as the white man will still live, they will never conquer our lands and will never replace our people."

"Avenging the invaders hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by foreign invaders on European land throughout history.

"Avenging the slavery of millions of Europeans kidnapped from their lands by Islamic slavers.

"To avenge the thousands of European lives killed by terrorist attacks throughout Europe.

"To take revenge Ebba Akerlund (An 11-year-old Swedish woman who was killed during an attack in Stockholm on April 7, 2017, when she was crushed by a fundamentalist who drove a truck against a crowd.).

"Directly reduce immigration rates on European land by intimidating and physically eliminating invaders.

"To incite the political enemies of my people to act to spread them too much and to make the inevitable and inevitable experience".

– Do you have remorse for the attack?

"No, I just wish I had killed more invaders and also more traitors.

– Who do you represent?

"Millions of European peoples and other ethno-nationalist peoples want to live in peace with their own people, live on their land, practice their own traditions and decide on the future of their own species".

– Are you Nazi?

"No, the Nazis do not exist, have they not been a political or social force in the world for more than 60 years?"

Are you a neo-Nazi?

"It's a very broad category of people, and the definition is at best blurred, so no, I do not think so."

Do you support Brexit?

"Yes, although it is not because of an official policy, the truth is that, ultimately, people have to face the fact that it has nothing to do with the economy, that it was the British who fired on mbadive immigration, cultural and globalist displacement, and it's something big and wonderful ".

Are you a supporter of Donald Trump?

"As a symbol of a renewed white identity and a common goal? Of course"

Are you intolerant?

"Of course, the last virtues of moribund nations are tolerance and apathy, and I do not want any of that"

When you lived in New Zealand, were not you an immigrant?

"Yes, and it seems that immigrants seem to be a lot of trouble, no, not really, an Australian living in New Zealand is very similar to an Austrian living in Bavaria, they will not replace people with ethnic factors, to change the culture of the nations, they are the same people, they are the same culture ".

Why do you care so much about Europe, is not it Australian?

"Australia, like the other colonies of Europe, is simply a take-off of the Europeans, a finger in the hand of the body of Europe.. My languages ​​are European, my culture is European, my political convictions are European, my philosophical convictions are European, my identity is European and, more importantly, my blood is European ".


"Yes, for once, the person who will be described as fascist is a true fascist, I am sure that the journalist will love him." In general, I share the opinion of Sir Oswald Mosley (founder of the British Union of Trade Unions). Fascists) and consider yourself an eco-fascist by nature. "


"No, I do not care what homobaduals do, as long as they are loyal to their people and give priority to the well-being of their people, then I have no problem.

Do you personally hate Muslims?

"A Muslim man or woman who lives in his home country?" "No, a Muslim man or woman who chooses to invade our country and replace our people?" "Yes, I do not like them." The only Muslim I really hate is the convert. those of our winners who turn their backs on their heritage, their culture, their traditions and become traitors of blood for their own race.

Violence is not the solution, why do you use force?

"There is not a nature in the world that has not been founded or maintained by the use of force. The force is the power. The story is the history of the power Violence is power and violence is the reality of history Wake up ".

Children are always innocent, do not you think you're a monster for killing an innocent?

"The children of the invaders do not stay like children, they become adults and reproduce, creating more invaders to replace their people." They grow up and vote against the wishes of their people, for the interests of their people and their identity. Goodbye, may God bless you all and see you in Valhalla. "


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