a Nobel economist flatters Alberto Fernández and shoots Macri


The winner of the Nobel Prize for the economy Joseph Stiglitz praised the presidential candidate Alberto Fernandez and strongly criticized the president Mauricio Macri. The prestigious economist has described as "hole" the final balance of the economic project of Cambiemos.

In an interview with the agency ReutersStiglitz said that "the policies the government has embarked on do not lead to economic growth," he said. "Austerity and tight budgets are driving weak growth, which makes the less viable debt. "


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"I think it's quite likely that (Fernández) has a better policy", remarked the Nobel Prize. In the same vein, Stiglitz focused on the debt problem that Macri's management will leave out: "Just avoid a debt restructuring, it depends on the depth of the hole dug by Macri over the past three and a half years. "

Stiglitz also noted the second quarter of 2020, when Argentina had to repay its debt to the tune of US $ 20,000 million, well above the US $ 5.6 billion debt of the first quarter. "He (Macri) started with an almost blank slate and borrowed too much. He's betting big and bad, "he added.


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