A nod to Argentina in the trial for YPF: the US Supreme Court must define the jurisdiction of the dispute


New York South District Judge Loretta Preska on Wednesday ruled in favor of Argentina's request to stay the lawsuit for the nationalization of YPF until the end of the year. what the US Supreme Court of Justice has ruled. in which the claim should be settled.

Earlier this week, the state of Argentina and YPF petitioned the trial judge to suspend the opening of the petroleum company's nationalization lawsuit, which had motivated the Burford investment fund's request. by the litigation law of the two companies, former shareholders of YPF.

The Preska resolution today supported the position of Argentina although the Court of Appeals of the Second Circuit in New York, for the second time, allowed the magistrate time to begin the trial.

In their presentation, the Argentine lawyers asked the judge that, beyond the refusal of the Court of Appeal to suspend the case, the complainant wanted it to be stayed in the Preska court until the Supreme Court be returned. on the competence of the case.

This is a pending appeal of "certiorari" (direct submission) to the Supreme Court, in which Argentina has raised the incompetence of US courts, with the "court of law". support from Mexico, Chile, Brazil and Colombia.

The US Supreme Court plans to take a local petition on the jurisdiction of the case by YPF. (Source: EFE)
The US Supreme Court plans to take a local petition on the jurisdiction of the case by YPF. (Source: EFE)

"A few days ago, surprisingly, the New York Court of Appeal confirmed its decision to start the trial at first instance, Judge Loretta Preska today decided in favor of the Argentine Republic"explains one of the sources consulted by the agency Telam.

In this way, the trial is now "suspended until the highest US court is satisfied whether or not Petersen's claim is settled in this country."


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