A nurse who received the Pfizer vaccine in E …


Nurse tested positive for coronavirus in US days after receiving Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The 45-year-old works in the emergency departments of a hospital in the California city of San Diego and was vaccinated on December 18. Experts assured that it was not “something unexpected”.

The health worker, identified as Matthew W., said to a local television channel associated with ABC News, that he had been vaccinated with the first dose in mid-December and that the only side effect he suffered was a little pain in his arm after the needle stick.

However, six days later, after having carried out a shift in the emergency room of your health center with covid patients, felt chills, muscle pain and fatigue. A hospital test confirmed that Matthew W. owns SARS-CoV-2.

Christian Ramers, an infectious disease specialist at the San Diego Family Health Center, said the case was not “something unexpected” because vaccinated patients do not develop decisive protection against the coronavirus immediately after receiving the drug.

“We know from clinical trials that It takes 10 to 14 days for the vaccine to develop protection (against the virus)“Said the infectologist in dialogue with the channel.

Clinical trials with the vaccine have shown that this immunization – which is said to be 95% effective – can be performed a few days after receiving a second dose of the preparation, which in Pfizer’s case takes around 21 days to inoculate. again. “The first dose gives you about 50 percent and it takes the second to get to 95”Ramers added.

In addition, With the coronavirus incubation period of up to 14 days, it is also possible that the nurse was infected before receiving the vaccine on December 18..

In early October, a similar case occurred in England during the Oxford vaccine clinical trial when a volunteer, Spanish nurse Joan Pons Laplana, tested positive for the coronavirus. At that time, the nurse explained that “The vaccine does not prevent the virus from entering the body, but from passing from the lungs to the blood and the disease from developing”.

It is necessaryTherefore, even when people are vaccinated, to maintain health care: hand washing, social distancing and wearing masks.


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