A parade of neo-Nazis in uniform shocked Germany


A parade of about 300 neo-Nazis, in martial attitude, uniformed and carrying torches for the city of Plauen, he worried all over Germany and drew criticism from the left and the Jewish community, which he called a "terrifying march".

The images that have been seen in this Saxon city (in east of Germany) are reminiscent of "the darkest chapter in the history of the country"denounced the president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster.

The parliamentary group of La Izquierda (Die Linke) in this state, as well as the ranks of Los Verdes environmentalists, they urged to clarify the responsibilities for the authorization of this mobilization, this was done between a powerful police deployment.

The march brought together more than 300 people from far right to Plauen. (Source: AFP).
The march brought together more than 300 people from far right to Plauen. (Source: AFP).

The events took place on May 1st day he had called a hundred acts all over the country, both in the union concentrations of the International Workers' Day and the parades of the radical left – the so-called Revolution Day – as well as in the demonstrations of the far right.

The parade Plauen (a small town of 66 000 inhabitants) was organized by the group "Der Dritte Weg" (The third way), group founded in 2013 in Bavaria and now established in Saxony.

About 300 members of the organization joined the march, all dressed in a brown t-shirt and an inscription on the chest, military appearance.

The march was led by several members playing drums and accompanied by individuals carrying flags identifying the group as well as torches, recreating an image that bristled the skin, the cry of "foreigners on" and other xenophobic slogans, as "rude asylum"

Plauen is one of the neo-Nazi strongholds of Saxony, where will be held the regional elections next September, in which there is a strong impetus for the Extreme Right Alternative for Germany (AfD).

The Saxon capital, Dresden, was the cradle of the so-called movement "Patriots Against the Islamization of the West", Pegida. At the last general election, in September 2017, the AfD was the most voted force with 27%, nearly 15 points above the national average obtained by this party.


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