A pastor has "re-established" a man, has become viral and now he is accused of fraud.


The South African pastor of Alleluia Ministries International Church, Alph Lukau, was involved in a scandal after "resurrecting" a man who died. However, they now accuse him of having organized a farce and the explanations of his entourage seem to complicate his situation.

The "miracle show" was recorded in a viral video that circulated in the last few hours. In the pictures, we can see how the relatives of the deceased brought the casket to the church door, located in Johannesburg.

After presenting his condolences, the pastor opens the drawer and places his hands on the body. And immediately, saying "get up" the young man breathed again and he was sitting watching the great crowd around him.

Although members of his church were delighted by the so-called resurrection, the "miracle" was questioned over the hours. Lukau, self-proclaimed "prophet", now faces the demands of funeral homes who claim to have been fooled to be part of the event.

Kingdom Blue, King & Queens Funeral Services and Black Phoneix have stated that they will take legal action. damage to your reputation.

Alph Lukau is the head of the church Alleluia Ministries International. Credit: Alph Lukau on Facebook.
Alph Lukau is the head of the church Alleluia Ministries International. Credit: Alph Lukau on Facebook.

But they were not the only ones to have left the pastor in sight. The supposed miracle generated a great stir in social networks and they wondered about the fact that everything seemed to be a staging.

Consulted by BBC The Allelian ministries of the international churches refused to answer the question. But the sources of this congregation have agreed to talk to the local media The sowetan, where they retreated with the "resurrection". In dialogue with this site, they expressed that "the dead man" In fact "I was already alive" when they took it in the coffin. And only Lukau alone "He performed a miracle of God that had already begun."

As if that were not enough, a journalist from BBC He managed to contact the employer of the person who appeared to be resuscitated in the video. During this brief interview, he confirmed that his worker had requested a day off to attend funerals on the same day as the famous miracle.


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