A pastor wanted to prove he could be resurrected like Jesus, he buried himself alive and died


James sakara he was a 22 year old man who was pastor of the church If we, in a Christian congregation of Zambia, South of Africa. This very religious young man decided to test his faith and that of his parishioners by trying repeat the feat the Bible tells about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

According to the old testament, Jesus died and came back to life after three days and appeared before his apostles, thus Sakara tried to repeat the feat of Jesus Christ, even though most of the congregation were reluctant to let me go ahead with the idea. The young man therefore had to look for people to help him.

Finally, after much insistence, the Zambian found three parishioners who cooperated to bury him alive and test if it was really possible to rise from the dead. Members of the congregation they dug the grave shallow, they tied Sakara’s hands and buried him alive.

After that, the whole congregation waited 72 hours to see if really James sakara he could come and be resuscitated. After a time of speculation, church members they started to dig it up and, unsurprisingly, they found their leader dead between the earth.

Although they attempted a series of “Spiritual exercises” to resuscitate him, the pastor died of suffocation. According to local media citing the authorities of Zambia, charges have already been filed against the three men that they buried the shepherd alive; one has already been arrested, while the others are wanted on the run.

This is how they removed the body of James Sakara, the spiritual leader of the Church of Zion, after 72 hours underground.

The process was filmed by a television channel

As we could know through social networks, the adventure of James sakara and the three companions who helped him in his madness was recorded by a local television channel. In the pictures, the different members of the church give their position concerning the decision of the young pastor.

The video shows how the three men dig the grave, under the watchful eye of the rest of the congregation. As the boys shovel, the locals are shocked by the decision of your spiritual leader.

Finally, in the last scenes you can see moved the whole community who already knew the news of the death of James sakara. While some have dared talk on tv local, others preferred silence and process in the frightening situation.

As expected, the news spread around the world, sparking outrage from many believers all over the planet. Finally, the prophecy that Sakara had said (“I will come to life after three days, as the Son of God”) has not been fulfilled.


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