A perpetual prison for Nahir Galarza: an exemplary sentence or training for women?


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  Manuel Mansilla was sentenced to 21 years for the crime of Chiara Páez

Manuel Mansilla was sentenced to 21 years for the crime of Chiara Páez

Lucía Pérez had 16 years old when Matías Farias, Juan Pablo Offidani and Alejandro Maciel drugged, raped, impaled and killed him. This happened in 2016 and, despite all the evidence, the trial will not begin until 2019 in Mar del Plata.

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<img src = "https://media.minutouno.com/adjuntos/150/imagenes/029/256/0029256927.jpg?0000-00-00-00-00- 00 "alt =" These are the accused for the crime of Lucía Pérez [19659007] These are the accused of the crime of Lucía Pérez

Many remember Melina Romero the "fanatic bowling" whose The body was found in the field on September 22. She was absent a month ago and the autopsy determined that the time of death coincided with the date of her disappearance. they condemned Joel Fernández to tan only 13 years in prison The sentence was lower than that demanded by the complaint and the accusation

Melina Romero.jpg [19659009] Joel ” chavito=”” fern=”” ndez=”” condenado=”” a=”” os=”” por=”” el=”” crimen=”” de=”” melina=”” romero=”” id=”2729431-Libre-1396969237_embed”/>

Joel "Chavito" Fernández sentenced to 13 years for the crime of Melina Romero

The same day that was known the sentence to the "Life imprisonment of Nahir Galarza the justice acquitted the policeman Ricardo Panadero despite finding genetic compatibility of 97% on the scene of crime, death and rape of Natalia Melman n, murdered and raped in 2001 at Miramar

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  Ricardo Panadero

Ricardo Panadero

Chiara, Lucia, Melina, Natalia and the list victims of femicides continue. We all remember their names but little and nothing of their femicides. However the name of Nahir Galarza was the exception to the rule: in Google there are more than 5 million searches of Nahir against a little over eight hundred thousand of Fernando .

In Argentina there is a femicide every 30 hours and nearly 300 women die each year. However, justice is neither as expeditious nor as "just" as she was with the crime of Pastorizzo.

The justice that acts depends on gender

Patriarchal justice has other times where the victims are women. In the same week that Fernando was killed, Mónica Garnica, a 25-year-old student was set on fire by his boyfriend, Miguel Saranch or in Quilmes, province of Buenos Aires. She was hospitalized, but because of the severity of the burns, she died on January 10 of this year. Sarancho is detained, although for the moment there is no date stipulated for a lawsuit against him

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  Mónica was burned by his partner at the same time that Nahir badbadinated Fernando [19659021] Mónica was the fire by his partner at the same time that Nahir badbadinated Fernando </p>
<p>  Also the day when the lawsuit against Nahir Galarza began that of <strong> Erica Soriano, </strong> disappeared in 2010 by <strong> Daniel Lagostena. </strong> I was pregnant and the body never appeared. <span clbad= The trial for the death and disappearance of Erica begins eight years later.

Nahir was sentenced to life imprisonment in a trial that lasted only six months. This is not the first time that justice in Entre Ríos is expeditious, as was the case last year in the lawsuit against Sebastián Wagne for the crime of Micaela García. The incident occurred in April and the sentence of life imprisonment was pronounced in October of the same year


Nahir was sentenced to life imprisonment and loneliness. aggravation was given by the relationship. The Court of Gualeguaychú understood that there was a relationship of couple between the two and according to Article 80 inc. 1 of penal code which corresponds to a sentence of life imprisonment. The law was strictly adhered to and, despite its antecedents, no extenuating measures were taken to reduce the sentence in the first instance.

Although the final decision is not yet known, the Gualguaychú Court did not give birth to Nahir was a victim of gender-based violence since he tried to raise the defense but he did not even mention the violent and toxic relationship that existed between the two young adolescents and which was accredited by all witnesses, even with the message left by Nahir in Instagram ] after badbadinating Fernando: "I love you forever my angel" Contrary to what was said in the last hours, what happened with Nahir Galarza was not the same. was not an exemplary sentence, but rather the opposite. The criminal lawyer Luciana Sánchez argues that the lawsuit against Nahir "is full of nullities". " Nahir was neither defended nor investigated nor convicted with a gender perspective as is required in this type of case." "

" When you have a man charged with a femicide, if the defense is not good, in general, they have all the patriarchy in their favor. They run with a structural advantage in favor. Everyone believes them. No specialty is needed because its perspective is the hegemonic perspective. In the case of Nahir, imputed for a crime of such magnitude, he needs a specialized technical defense for [traduction]"he explained to minutouno.com [19659017] Nahir: badism and morbidity

Nahir is the antithesis of the collective construction of a murderer: woman, blonde, middle clbad, white, skinny, attractive The daughter of 19 years became the youngest woman sentenced to life imprisonment ] and it was, since the case was known, morbid center.

Not only were her bikini pictures Disseminated and shared until satiety, but when we knew that there were intimate videos of Nahir, it was the most sought after. Pornographic sites and even the same sites cataloged them. other videos with the name of Nahir Galarza to position their videos.

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