A photo of a billion pixels to see in detail the disaster of Notre Dame


By entering the image posted on Facebook, it is possible to pan (with your finger or your mouse) and also to zoom in on the surroundings of the cathedral. In addition, you can also see the roof with the burned woods and firefighters overseeing the scene.

The Russian Gigarama site, which specializes in gigapixel photos – high-resolution photos with a program of up to a billion pixels – lets you view a panorama that you can zoom in on and a lot of details.

In this case, it is an aerial view of Notre Dame Cathedral after the firefighters were able to extinguish the fire that devoured its roof and needle from near hundred meters high.

By entering the image posted on Facebook, it is possible to pan (with your finger or your mouse) and also to zoom in on the surroundings of the cathedral. In addition, you can also see the roof with the burned woods and firefighters overseeing the scene.

In some cases, you have to wait a few seconds for the entire image to load.


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