A plane caught fire and more than 40 passengers died | Chronic


At least 41 people were killed after the fire of a plane at Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow. The aircraft requested an emergency landing but caught fire on the ground. Until now, the problem that forced the pilot to land is unknown.

According to sources of medical services at the Russian agency TASSThere are several missing pbadengers. Of the 41 victims are children, said the Russian Education Committee.

The Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft, with 78 pbadengers and five crew members, was flying from Sheremetyevo to the Murmansk city, in north-western Russia, when he asked to get off the plane. # 39; emergency.

"He did not succeed on the first attempt and in the second, the landing gear struck the runway, as did the nose of the plane, and the fire hit him. Is declared ", said a source of emergency services at Interfax.

According to the airport press office, the Superjet – 100 had taken off normally and 28 minutes later, the landing had taken place. The plane was on fire.

The problem that forced the pilots of the plane to return to Sheremetyevo airport has not yet been identified, although a source quoted by TASS The most likely cause was the impact of lightning on the aircraft.

Click on this link Sukhoi Superjet 100 to save time. Пилоты – стальные люди pic.twitter.com/ETlzOHbUKw

– Дмитрий Смирнов (@ dimsmirnov175)
May 5, 2019

The President of Russia, Vladimir PoutineHe expressed his condolences to the relatives of the victims and gave instructions to provide them with any badistance, said the Kremlin spokesman. Dmitri Peskov.

"Vladimir Putin sent his condolences to the families of the victims of the tragedy at Sheremetyevo Airport", they said in the official report of the Russian presidency on Twitter.

Vladimir Putin sent his condolences to the families of the victims of the tragedy at Sheremetyevo airport

– President of Russia (@KremlinRussia_E)
May 5, 2019


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