A plane fell on a house in Chile: six dead


A plane fell on a house in Chile: six dead | MDZ online

The scene recorded this morning.

An Islander plane, registered CC-CYR, fell this afternoon on a house in Puerto Montt, minutes after taking off from an airfield. Following the incident, six people died, according to the information Mercury.

? In Puerto Montt, this morning, a plane landed on a house near the "La Paloma" airfield. Information in development. Follow the news via our Facebook page and Twitter. Paislobo Press pic.twitter.com/TfR6bxL8R7

– www.paislobo.cl (@paislobo) April 16, 2019

According to the Chilean newspaper, there were no occupants in the house and the six dead were on board the plane. Four of them were workers from the company "Salmones Camanchaca".

Meanwhile, the plane belonged to the company Archipelago, which had taken off just minutes before the tragedy at La Paloma Airport in Puerto Montt, in southern Chile.

As a result of the incident, all firefighting companies in the area, as well as carabinieros and emergency personnel worked in the area to control the fire.


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